Giant Flakie Passion

It’s the ultimate summer dessert! Fresh, easy to execute, one of a kind, and which automatically brings you back to childhood (I ate Vachon cakes myself!!) and which has a WOAHHHHWWOOWW effect!!

Each of the 3 elements can be prepared in advance (even the day before) and assembled at the last minute.

The video can be found here. Take the opportunity to subscribe to my Youtube channel!

Makes about 12 servings

2 puff pastry sheets, approximately 40-50 cm x 40-50 cm, cooked (one for the bottom, one for the top!)

1 1/2 cups cream
1 tbsp. vanilla
5 tbsp. cornstarch dissolved in a little milk (to remove lumps)
1 cup maple syrup
200 g ricotta cheese
3 tbsp. tablespoon melted butter
1/3 cup lemon juice

In a cauldron, heat the cream and vanilla over low heat.
Add the starch dissolved in the milk, then the maple syrup and ricotta.
Stir well, heating over low heat to obtain a very smooth cream.
Add the melted butter and lemon juice.
Adjust the sugar and acidity to your taste (maple syrup vs lemon juice).
Stir well and transfer to a bowl. Cover with plastic wrap and let cool completely in the fridge.

Candied berries
5 cups of berries
1/2 cup sugar
3/4 cup maple syrup

Stir in a pot and cook over low heat for about 30 minutes, until the mixture is more jammy.
If you want to thicken, add 1-2 tbsp. cornstarch.

For the assembly:
1 – Puff pastry
2 – Cream
3 – Candied berries
4 – Puff pastry

1 comment

  • Bonjour
    Trop wow ! Question super importante pour moi : toutes les recettes de passion flakie donne des pâtes feuilletées dorées brunes.. Comment les faites-vous blanches à la classique. Je meurs d’envie de savoir tout ! S’il-vous-plaît…. ! 🙏

    Nathalie Boucher

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